Little Known Facts About Your Feet

Posted on: 19 September 2022

Many people neglect their feet and ankles, but they are essential parts of your body. Consult a podiatrist anytime you experience any foot and ankle injuries. These practitioners will advise you on the best practices for foot and ankle care. Here are some little-known facts about foot and ankle injuries.

The Foot Has More Bones Than Any Part of the Body

Your feet have more bones than any other part of your body. This is the reason you use them for mobility. Additionally, your feet can endure a lot of pressure. Your feet can endure more weight than your body's weight. When walking or running, the pressure exerted on your feet goes above your body weight.

Avoid Shoes with Pointy Toes

A bunion is a bump forming below your big toe. This condition arises when the bones in your foot are displaced. As a result, the tip of your big toe begins to point toward the smaller toes, and the joint beneath your big toe protrudes. One way to limit the severity of this condition is to avoid wearing shoes with pointy toes. Wear shoes with a wide front part so you can wiggle your toes.

Arthritis Leads to Foot and Ankle Injuries

Arthritis is one of the leading causes of foot and ankle injuries. In most cases, this condition arises because of a previous injury. In fact, according to CDC, over 58.5 million people in the U.S. have arthritis. You should address this problem while it is in its early stages. Arthritis in your ankle can cause instability and deformity in the joints. If you have arthritis, visit a podiatrist to avoid complications.

Non-Surgical Vs. Surgical Remedies for Your Foot and Ankles

Some foot and ankle injuries are treated using non-surgical methods. These include bracing, gait retraining, injections, and functional rehabilitation. Non-surgical methods are mainly applied to address minor foot and ankle injuries. They don't involve any invasive techniques.

Your podiatrist may recommend surgical care for severe foot and ankle injuries that cannot be resolved through non-surgical methods. A large number of surgical treatments promote healing and restore function. These methods include bunion surgery, ankle replacement, and bone fusions.

In Closing

Your feet facilitate mobility. This is the main reason you should pay close attention to foot and ankle injuries. You should watch the shoes you wear and your weight to ward off common foot and ankle injuries. Additionally, mind your diet and exercise regularly to keep your feet in good shape. For more advice on foot and ankle care, you should visit a podiatrist near you.


Sharing Information About Podiatry

Hello, my name is Dylan. Welcome to my website about podiatry. When I was in a dancing group, I constantly injured my toes. I tried to correct my posture issues, but mechanical issues prevented the change. I decided to work with a podiatrist to correct these problems. I underwent a number of treatments and eventually decided to wear orthotics in my shoes. The orthotics helped support my feet and reduce pain when I was not dancing. On this site, I will talk about the various treatments provided by podiatrists. Please feel free to come by often to learn more about podiatry.