• Little Known Facts About Your Feet

    Many people neglect their feet and ankles, but they are essential parts of your body. Consult a podiatrist anytime you experience any foot and ankle injuries. These practitioners will advise you on the best practices for foot and ankle care. Here are some little-known facts about foot and ankle injuries. The Foot Has More Bones Than Any Part of the Body Your feet have more bones than any other part of your body.
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  • Heel Pain And Treatments

    Your heels endure a lot of stress each day, and they tend to fare well when you consider how much pressure is put on them all the time. However, there are still things that can end up happening with your heels that can be painful. If you are suffering from heel pain, this guide can be helpful. You can learn more about heel pain here, so you know how to avoid it in the future and some of the treatments you have available to you now.
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